DISC Profiles in Australia

To be the best in any arena, you need to be equipped with the best possible resources and leading performance tools, as well as looking after your most important asset, the people. DISC Profiling is the key to getting the performance you want from the people you have. 

The ‘People Side’

While so many other factors in business are very similar, what truly differentiates the mediocre and the great, is how well the ‘people side’ is managed. DISC Profiling builds the self-awareness you need, as a team member, manager, or leader to take your performance to the next level, to get ahead and stay ahead. Use it to develop your emotional intelligence and understand how to consistently achieve your best results, as an individual and with others. Team8’s DISC Profiles use proven techniques, based on decades of behavioural research, and are specifically for business, industry, and education.

The top organisations utilise their people to pursue the competitive edge.

The best educators adapt their teaching to suit the needs of their students.

To be the best in your field, you need to know what the best are using.

Team8 Assessments’ DISC Profiles

Team8’s DISC Profiles are specifically tailored for use. Each assessment includes a 12-minute online survey and results in a personalised DISC Profile Report (with summaries for ease). The report details the individual’s personal style, strengths, limiting behaviours, communication preferences, and the environment they perform best in.

Team8 DISC-assessment

The distinguishing factor of great organisations is their constant pursuit for the competitive edge. With the Team8 DISC Profile, you can provide your employees with a comprehensive understanding of their own behaviours, along with those they work with. Not all DISC Profiles are created equal, but with the cutting-edge features of the Team8 DISC Profile, you can be confident in providing your organisation with an exceptional DISC experience. The Team8 DISC Profile quickly improves communication, working relationships, and ultimately results. Use in recruitment, as a foundation for professional development plans, or part of a team building exercise. Find out more!

Click here to view a sample Team8 DISC Report. For a sample Team8 DISC Report in American English please contact us.


The best educators and teachers know how to adapt their teaching to suit the needs of their students. But to do this, teachers need have a level of self-awareness and understanding of their own behaviours. TeacherDISC is the easiest, fastest, and most effective way for educators to increase their self-awareness and find new ways to further improve their teaching and communication with students and colleagues. The TeacherDISC is a unique behavioural profiling tool. It is based on a well-founded methodology and draws on decades of behavioural research. With the exceptional features of the TeacherDISC Profile, you can be confident in providing your staff with an exceptional DISC experience. Find out more!

Click here to view the sample TeacherDISC Report. For a sample TeacherDISC Report in American English please contact us.


Your Electronic ‘On the Go’ Guide to Understanding DISC

The Team8 DISC in Practice Workbook is an accessible, electronic learning resource utilised by businesses, educators, leaders, and consultants to better understand and implement the key principles of DISC Profiling. It explores the fundamentals of DISC and how it can be utilised in a business environment. The Workbook consists of four easy to navigate sections, which will enhance your understanding and application of DISC.


5 things you need to know about DISC

Learn more about the four DISC Behavioural Styles here.

  1. DISC focuses on behaviour, how someone prefers to act and what they do, rather than personality traits. Behaviour is flexible, personality is not. We never ask people to change their personality, but managers and leaders constantly ask employees to adjust their methods or techniques.
  2. At its core, DISC is a simple four-quadrant model. This is critical as it allows people to quickly understand, remember, and use. However, you can also delve much deeper into its theory and application to truly master this area of expertise. (Personality tests, such as MBTI, are psychometric assessments, more complex, and require extensive training to administer and work with.)
  3. There is no right or wrong, best or worst DISC Profile. We have profiled many of the world’s best and see no pattern for who is more or less successful based on their DISC style.
  4. Your aim is never to ‘improve’ your DISC Profile. Instead, the focus is on developing self-awareness, knowing what works for you and what doesn’t, and ultimately increasing the choices of behaviour to what is most effective to the situation and those you work with. This is key to high performance and leadership.
  5. DISC was first developed in the 1920’s and because it was never copyrighted, it has been continually developed, extended, and improved on since. As a result, DISC is the most valid and reliable tool available.
The DISC Model Explained

DISC is the most globally recognised profiling tool in use today. It is used throughout the world in business, education, industry, professional services, and sport to help individuals, leaders, teachers, athletes, and coaches better understand their behaviours which create their results by:

DISC measures the degree of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious behaviour. Everyone has their unique level of each in the context of their role. (Other profiling tools say you are this or that. DISC measures as a scale, which is more accurate and useful; and allows rapid comparisons to be made.)

The four-quadrant model explains the behaviour of people with high degrees of D, I, S, and C. For example, someone with a high level of Dominance, is direct and faster-paced (x-axis); guarded and goal-focused (y-axis). In contrast, someone who has a high Steadiness, is indirect and slower-paced (x-axis); open and relationship-oriented (y-axis).

Conflict can occur with people of different DISC styles due to their conflicting priorities (the y-axis, task/goal vs relationship/people focus) and/or their pace (x-axis, slower vs faster).

At Team8, we’re here to provide you with excellence in service and to help you be your best. If there is anything we can assist you with, please Contact Us.

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